thoughts by nat

EDCI 338

What Does My Digital Identity Look Like?

What is a digital identity?

Our digital identity is created by our online presence through the posts we share, how we interact with others and everything we do on the web (University of Derby, 2016). This includes how we connect with individuals in our personal learning networks, such as friends and family, colleagues, classmates, and the public. These online choices make up our digital identity and become our digital footprint on the internet, meaning others can learn who we are through this trail of data. Since our digital identities are essential, Spracklen (2015) suggests we should each play a role on the web that gives us the correct social identity because it reflects who we are in the real world.

How do personal versus professional approaches to digital identity affect social media use?

Most people tend to have separate personal and professional accounts, and the uses differ. Personal accounts tend to be used to interact with friends and family and to explore interests. For instance, fans of sports, music, and other popular culture can use the internet to discuss their obsessions with other fans (Spracklen, 2015). Whereas professional use on the internet is centered around developing professional relationships with others through online platforms and communication tools, which becomes our digital professional identity (Jawed et al., 2019). Although, when it comes to social media use on personal and professional accounts, individuals must be more careful with what they share on the internet because future employers can view these posts and use them as a pre-interview (Spracklen, 2015). Therefore, it is crucial to view personal and professional social media use as interconnected parts of our digital identity to ensure that we are not sharing information that may impact how we are perceived from an outside perspective.

How do digital identities converge in networked publics – What are the impacts and/or benefits?

The world is becoming more digitized as more people and businesses are interacting online, which means forming a digital identity in networked publics is becoming more important. This is because having a digital identity impacts how people are viewed online and, essentially what opportunities they have access to (World Economic Forum, 2019). For instance, having a strong group identity online is linked with social support and improvements in well-being, while having an unhealthy group online may increase the chances of online risk-taking (Jawed et al., 2019). This shows that including people in our personal learning networks that can support us in positively building our digital identity can impact how we feel and are viewed online. The benefit of having a secure digital identity in networked publics is that it can be used for other digital services (World Economic Forum, 2019). In Estonia, digital identities are used for taxes, prescriptions, and digitally signing documents (World Economic Forum, 2019). Digital identities have also benefited medical students to form their online identities for their future employers, peers, and education (Jawed et al., 2019). This has allowed medical students to collaboratively learn, and build leadership and communication skills, ethics, and professionalism (Jawed et al., 2019).


Jawed, S., Mahboob, U., & Yasmeen, R. (2019). Digital professional identity: Dear Internet! Who am I? Educ Health (Abingdon). 32(1), 33-35.

Spracklen, K. (2015). Identity-Making and Social Media. In: Digital Leisure, the Internet, and Popular Culture. Leisure Studies in a Global Era. Palgrave Macmillan, London. 94-112.

University of Derby. (2016, November 25). Eric Stoller – What is Digital Identity? [Video]. YouTube.

World Economic Forum. (2019, February 5). Davos 2019 – Press Conference The Value of Digital Identity for the Global Economy and Society [Video]. YouTube.

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1 Comment

  1. bruce song October 4, 2022

    hi, Nat
    really good post and really thoughtful perception on digital identify. I like how you fully analyzed yourself interms of your own posting of digital identity. You’ve also provided some really great identification of the differences between personal and professional use. In the sharing identity part i abosutely agree with you on the fact that we are potentially exposing to threat if we share the wrong stuff, and another really greate point is that people who we associate with can definitely influence us, as i learn sociology i defintetly think that people will be affected based on who they interact with, the fact that you have thought of it really means that you have put alot of work.

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