thoughts by nat

EDCI 338

Engaging your PLN

How would you create a PLN prior to engaging in a social media campaign on a topic of your choice?

A successful social media campaign is effectively done by sharing, creating and collaborating with content. This can be done through online communication to create a long-lasting community. However, creating a personal learning network (PLN) before engaging in a social media campaign is beneficial since it opens many opportunities to learn and connect with professionals. Before starting a social media campaign, I would use the strategies by Woods (2013) to build my PLN.

  • Know that all PLNS are different: A PLN should best reflect you, so it is best to avoid using the same strategies as other people who have a successful PLN (Woods, 2013).
  • Ask and Listen: Starting an effective PLN can begin by simply communicating with the people already in your life by asking them about their experiences and interest (Woods, 2013).
  • Leverage Technology: Take advantage of social media since it allows you to meet new people you would not otherwise meet. You can use email to keep in touch with people after events or read blogs to learn (Woods, 2013).
  • Try out Twitter: Twitter is used to share links and ideas, engage in conversations and debates and troubleshoot programs with projects and softwares (Woods, 2013).
  • Look outside of L&D: Put the effort to look outside your PLN. There are many people in different and the same industries that you can learn from (Woods, 2013).

The strategies to create a strong PLN by Woods (2013) could be used to create an awareness campaign. I would start by talking to friends, family, professors, and coworkers, asking them about their experiences and interests and to receive feedback for my campaign idea. I would also use social media as an advantage by watching YouTube videos and reading blogs on how to create an effective campaign online. I would try connecting with others online with the same interest. When using these strategies to strengthen my PLN, I will be open to meeting people outside my PLN.


Woods, B. (2013). Building Your Own PLN: Seeking new insights and ideas? Expand your personal learning network. American Society for Training and Development.|A348998538&v=2.1&it=r&sid=summon

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1 Comment

  1. caitlindoraty November 11, 2022

    I really like the strategies listed for creating a social media campaign. I think the first point is really important, every PLN is so different and that part of the reason why we are where we are.

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